Friday 20 September 2019

Still Walking

It's been three weeks into my new job... and I'm still alive!

So far, so good...although I have already got a list of pet hates, (mostly about letterboxes!) a few blisters and very sore feet.  I've quickly learned not to underestimate the number of stairs a building can have and how quickly I'm expected to get up and down them, I've met some lovely dogs as well as some slightly evil ones and been warned about a few 'attack' cats.

Definitely the hardest part is the walking.  I know that sounds crazy, I'm fairly fit and it's only walking (albeit with a pretty heavy bag) but the distances covered day after day are pretty's a view of my September so far...and I'm not quite doing a full route yet!

Spot the days off...

It's pretty grueling but I'm feeling like I'm slowly getting used to it so I think I'll survive.

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