Last June I posted about an old acquaintance of mine from my misspent youth who was trying to get in touch. (If you missed it, click here for a reminder) After the email mentioned in that post I got one other from him, also through Friends Reunited, begging me to get in contact with him.
I ignored that one too.
I thought the whole episode was over until a couple of weeks back when I had this pop into my inbox
Surely, If you message someone - twice - and they don't reply is that not a big enough hint that they're not interested? Does it really make you think "I'll add them to my facebook friends list?"
Never before have I hit that block button so fast!
I know what you are talking about. But what is it about ourselves that we can't be honest with people and tell them how we feel?
Thats a good point, and I'm often quite outspoken. In this case however I'd really just not allow open dialogue at all.
I guess you got it like that!
I've been on both sides of that obsessive coin. It sucks both ways when one of the people involved just wants to be left alone.
Hello, Just bloghopping. Great blog!
Be Well :)
Thanks for the nice blog. This is very useful and interesting.I read this and my self very appreciate with this blog. Thanks a lot...
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