Saturday 14 June 2008

Viva La'Spania

I admit I am officially overexcited about it far too early but I have a damn good reason!

This week I finally booked a holiday. I am taking B-Man to Barcelona for his birthday in October. I know it seems like a lot, but I am getting (or trying to get) the flights and accommodation as cheaply as possible and I figure that I would normally spend £150-£200 on his birthday presents anyway (I'm no good at buying one gift and stopping there, I tend to buy everything that I see that he would like) so, spending the same money on his half of a holiday for the two of us is equivalent. I've only booked flights so far, but I got a bargain of two return flights for £96.97 seven nights in Barcelona to find accommodation for now. I'm sure I can manage to sort that over the next 5 months!

Why am I so excited about it? well, I have only been on one overseas holiday that I can remember and I was 11. No holidays abroad for 18 years. In fact, I've only been on about 4 holidays in the UK in those 18 years so I really think I've waited long enough! better get a passport now eh?

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